Launched in partnership with pioneering entrepreneurs, Nest.Bio Labs is an international shared community. Learn more about our location near Kendall Square with over 40,000 square feet of laboratory (BSL-2) and office space across multiple countries. It is designed specifically to support revolutionary biotechnology ventures.
Cutting-edge infrastructure optimized for life science startups
We provide laboratory and office space, including turnkey services and modern equipment, and an entrepreneurial culture, on flexible terms with no equity requirements, to the world’s top life sciences startups. Our 13,000-square-foot facility is located in the center of the Cambridge biotech hub in a controlled-access building. Scroll to learn more about what's offered in Kendall Square.
Flexible BSL2+ laboratory space, quality equipment, and cold storage
Our fully-permitted open laboratory has over 50 oversized laboratory benches. We offer shared equipment and instrumentation necessary for biotech and life sciences research, including lab support rooms equipped with cryostorage, autoclaving, microscopy, and beyond.
Services Included
Maintenance of shared equipment
Chemical, and biohazard waste removal
Permits for lab operations
EHS training and compliance for lab users
Group ordering benefits for lab supplies
BSL2+ Lab with dedicated tissue culture room
Regular disinfection

Equipment On-Site

Group ordering benefits for lab supplies

Thermocycler, qRT-PCR, plate washer and reader

Cell culture room with biosafety cabinets and incubators

Water purification system, fume hoods, autoclave

Microscopes (white light and UV), imaging station

Centrifuge, bottle wash, water baths, fridges, freezers, and ice machine
Fully equipped conference rooms, high-speed internet, and iced coffee on tap
Gain access to our all-inclusive office amenities, a fully stocked kitchen, and functional conference and meeting rooms. Grab an espresso, kombucha, or snack from the kitchen. Use our mobile application to book a conference room. Join monthly community events, lunch & learns, and seminars to meet other entrepreneurs and scientists.
Amenities Included
A receptionist/administrator
All-hours security & 24-hour access
Printing and copying
Access to nearby facilities
Shuttle service to Kendall Square
Over 60 desks and several private offices
Conference rooms and telephone booths
Fully-equipped kitchen
Monthly networking events

Visit Nest.Bio Labs
325 Vassar Street, Suite 2A
Cambridge, MA 02139